How To Stand Out In The Wedding Clothing Game

Want to feel confident in what you wear? Contrary to what many people might think, having so many choices at the tip of your finger when it comes to choosing wedding dresses, suits, shoes, rings, and more can actually give you a bigger headache. How do you reconcile budget, style, and convenience into a stunning appearance on your big day?

wedding clothing

Devising A Game Plan For Your Clothing

I would argue that everyone has an intuitive feel of what they think looks right on other people and what looks right on themselves, even though sometimes our tastes may not be the most accurate or the best. Going even further, I’d say that some people are a little too enthusiastic and overestimate their own tastes; this sort of overestimation of one’s abilities is actually a well documented phenomenon known as the Dunning-Kruger effect in psychology.

At any rate, what does this all have to do when it comes to designing a game plan for your wedding clothing? It means that you should see the design and creation of clothes for your wedding from a larger perspective, incorporate the views a lot of different people and professionals, and anticipate how it will fit into the theme, atmosphere, and nature of your wedding.

For instance, if you’re going to be moving around a lot because you have dancing planned after the initial ceremony or some sort of exploratory setting, you will want clothing that fits you, is easy to move in, and does not suffocate or restrict that movement. Taking note of things that might manifest as potential hassles and annoyances, making a list of those things, and eliminating them should be one of the first things to do when you start to choose clothing.

Making the Right Choices in Planning

Also, you should probably realize at this point that this is going to be a really expensive experience—the average wedding in the United States costs an astounding $35,329. Most of the people at a marriageable age are also millennials struggling to adapt to fiercely competitive job markets while also juggling the burden of student loan debts above their head. Therefore, you’ll want to think of ways to either boost your credit or perform some credit repair so that you don’t end up paying an arm and a leg for your dream wedding.

Besides the things like inconveniences and having good sense that we’ve touched on above, you’ll also want to think about things like sticking to a wedding theme and coordinating with your partner. For instance, let’s say the groom gets this great pair of Saint Boots in Espresso by Taft Clothing that matches with the rest of their outfit. If their overall outfit doesn’t match with the bride’s clothing, it might end up being a waste despite being a great stylistic choice alone.

Taking the point even further, even if the husband and the wife have this inspiring synergy about them, the wedding’s theme needs to accentuate rather than take away from that feeling of unity and cohesion. As a good example, Azazie Weddings is known for their ability to reproduce this thematic feeling for their clients. Just take a look at the color palette of any of these weddings and you’ll notice how the bridesmaid dresses all work in unity to accentuate the bride’s dress.

Give Your Clothes A Touch of Personal Flair

If you want something right then do it yourself is an expression that applies in a lot of situations, and customizing the design of your weddings clothes is one of them. Just like how your proposal likely happened in an emotionally significant place (i.e. where you first met, on a romantic vacation, in front of some monument, etc.), making your wedding an individualistic affair in style should be encouraged.

So, while you may prefer a white dress with some floral decoration, why not add some sort of symbolism that’s meaningful and unique to you while staying true to the theme of your wedding? This will make for a fun activity for you and your partner to try together. It will allow you to meditate on what makes your wedding and your union different from those of other people while allowing both of you to engage in a creative activity together.

At the end of it all, if you do it right you’ll have a set of clothing that’s personally tailored to your tastes, to the occasion, and to your preferences at a budget. You’ll also get to have fun in both the process and at the event. Who knew that framing your weddings plans differently could make so much of a difference?

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