Python is a powerful language that can be used to create complex computer programs for data analysis, automation, and neural networks.
- Python is a high level, object oriented dynamic program language. The language is used by many programmers due to it being able to run on any modern computer operating system. It can be used for processing images, numbers, text, and complex data. It is used in many of the operations of giants such as Google, YouTube, Nasa, and even on the New York Stock exchange.
- Python was invented in 1990 by Dutch programmer Guido Van Russom as he needed a language with simpler scripting and syntax. The result was Python which was then posted on USENET. Python is named because the creator, Guido Van Rossum really liked the popular offbeat comedy series “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”.
- Python is a simpler high-level language which is interpreted so the computer is able to read and execute the code quickly. Any imported modules used within the program are compiled into other Python files. The interpreter used has the structure of a compiler and scans the source code for tokens which in turn are parsed into a tree representing the logical structure of the program.
- Programmers like Python because the simplicity of the language means that it’s easily readable, (it places emphasis on readability) and programmers need not spend time memorizing syntax. Python is said to teach you to think like a programmer more than many other languages due to the focus it places on concepts and paradigms.
- Python is most commonly used in data science. If you are practically interested in data analytics, one of the most necessary skills in today’s job market, then learning Python is incredibly useful. Python job postings outnumber any other language in this area.
- Python is the backend language of many large-scale projects nowadays as programmers are exploring other options to Java and C++. Python is dynamic enough for it to be able to be used for simple programs but also programs that require complex data operations, making it suitable for back end use, with JavaScript, or HTML/CSS as front-end alternatives for dynamic interactive pages. This is what powers websites like Facebook, Amazon and Google maps. Many famous websites/projects have used Python due to the powerful framework it provides. For example, YouTube is powered by Python and is a core building block of Google.
- The poem ‘The Zen Of Python’ written by Tim Peters, can be read by writing ‘import this’ in the interpreter.