There are loads of things to do to break the boredom of being stuck at home, whilst still having to work there. Here are a few ideas for you
Transform your garden
As the seasons are changing, now is the great opportunity to get your garden into shape. Start with getting rid of the pesky weeds and mowing the lawn, but then what are you going to do? With a blank canvas, just imagine what your garden would look like with new decking, a garden office or some other form of garden rooms, or a new patio? If you are stuck at home with a big family, then you have a ready-made garden force that you can put to work! There is a job for everyone, from potting seedlings into plugs to lifting heavy stonework. And if it’s just yourself, then there is still a plethora of jobs you can achieve with just one pair of hands – such as building raised beds.
Read those books you have never had the time for
You might often moan to yourself that there are books you have always wanted to read, but never had the time, right? Isn’t now the right time to pick up those books and make a start? Whilst you have more time on your hands, you have no excuse for not picking at least one up and turning that first page? Or if you don’t have such a list, why not look for something new? It doesn’t have to be a long book – Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited has an amazing selection of books that you can get for just one flat fee per month.
Get your website and SEO into shape
Small business owners rarely have the time to focus on creating content for their website or getting their SEO done on their website (which is why they normally use a PPC Consultant like Toni Marino). Toni says advises that ‘whilst the shop door is closed, now is the time to focus on activities such as content-building SEO. Consumers are buying online, more than ever, so you’ll want to give your business the best chance of being the one they turn to’. It does take time to invest in, but there are lots of material on the web to guide you. Content-wise: you’re the expert in your field so why not create some amazing content that shares a bit of that knowledge that can really help people (and bring new customers to your website in the process!)
Have your own bake-off
Baking is another one of those things that, when we are busy, we tend not to even think about, especially when you can buy amazing baked goods from the shops with no hassle. But now we are stuck at home, it’s something we might want to dip our toe in, right? Especially because baking is something you don’t have to be ever-present in – a lot of the time is spent waiting for the oven to do its job. If you have never crafted home-made bread, you don’t know what you are missing. With social media tools like Instagram, you could easily create a bake-off competition between your group of friends, each of them stuck in their own home too!